Saturday, September 10, 2011



1. A set of circumstances in which one finds oneself; a state of affairs.
2. The location and surroundings of a place.

Above is the Merriam Webster's definition of the word situation. I want to go further into analyzing this small word that the metamorphosis of which added to me leaded to a state of utter oblivion!

- 1. A set of circumstances in which one finds oneself:

what if you don't actually FIND yourself? what if you are air-headed and you don't really grasp the circumstances leading to complete detachment of the so called location or surroundings of the place which are mentioned above as a second meaning of the word thus being un-found? what does that make you?

- 2.The location and surroundings of a place.

well, that's tricky; what if you are not sure of the place, and the surroundings are a total blur? what if all of the places and their so called endless surroundings don't hold your being, don't embrace it and relentlessly expelling the shadows of the affairs being developed to create a vivid understanding for the so called situation?

life is a situation in the happening, a mere huge body of ever evolving, happening or past situations. But what if your "states" are unstated and your "affairs" are a blur? What if your circumstances aren't falling into place and yourself is detached from them as if you are just a beholder no more? where does that leave you?

I think a new word should be added to the dictionary:

Un-situation: a state where situations don't apply and fail to take place, when your places and surroundings are a mere background gone unrealized. a state where states don't take place and life fails to commence because you are not grasping anything and everything seems in need to be re-figured, re attached and re- placed!

"If you can keep your head about you when all about you are losing theirs, it's just possible you haven't grasped the situation" Jean Kerr

Mayse Al-Kilany

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